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Your Church
 Church Selection Test 

A. Doctrinal Test:  Based on Eighteen Articles of Faith.

Bible belief is infallible.

Belief in the Deity of Jesus.

Jesus was virgin born.

Jesus was bodily resurrected.

Jesus will return.

There will be a judgment.

There is a heaven and a hell.

Jesus died a sacrificial and atoning death.

B.  Faith Building Test:

Are you being equipped to know that God is in absolute control?

Are you developing a hope that rests in Jesus’ finished work at the cross?

C.  Ministry to the World Test:

Is three Evangelism practiced?

Are there active Missionaries, local and foreign?

Are you learning how to share the Gospel in your everyday life?

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    “The Number One Church in the World”

    First Metropolitan Baptist Church, Inc.

    3719 Belair Road | Augusta, Georgia 30909 | Phone: (706) 855-0407